On the territory of Gravelines, the banks of the Aa and Colme, on our website you will find all the accommodation (campsites, lodges, hotels, furnished tourist accommodation, etc.) in the “accommodation” section:
Note: Please note, however, that we do not keep availability of accommodation, participants must therefore contact the accommodation providers directly.

Hôtel Campanile de Loon-Plage
Located just 9 minutes from the Rives de l'Aa Park, you can stay in rooms for 1, 2 or 3 people.
The room rate is set at 55 € (sports rate)
If you would like to book your room or have more information, do not hesitate to contact us by email at the following address:
Here is a map to visualize the territory of the Rives de l'Aa and de la Colme (from Gravelines to Watten).

In the territory of the Audruicq / Oye-Plage region, you will find on their website, all the accommodation in their territory in the section « Sleep » :
Here is a map of accommodation in the territory of the Audruicq / Oye-Plage region, as well as an estimate of the travel time to the PAarc from the campsites in the municipality of Oye-Plage not shown on the map.