Our objective: to respond to the 3 axes of Sustainable Development

  • Ecological : for our future

  • Social : service of others for the others

  • Economic : 100% winner!


Ecological side

  • As for the 2019 edition, disposable containers will be banned and all refueling stations will be provided with cans by bike and eco-cups running.

  • All cans and ecocups will be washed in real time and put back into use. They will be taken care of after the test by the IME "Les Papillons Blancs" for cleaning and reuse in 2022.

  • Spectators will be able to purchase an eco-cup for the sum of € 0.50 (non-contractual photo).

  • Each volunteer will receive an eco-cup

  • All participants will receive an eco-cup on arrival

  • We have manufactured 6 stainless steel water ramps to supply the bicycle and running supplies as close as possible. These ramps are also equipped with sprinkler systems.

  • This system will be supplemented with blue 120 L tanks, partly for the rapid filling of cans and eco-boxes and for the others their cleaning.

  • 50 L brown tanks will allow the preparation of energy drinks. After use, the entire device will be washed and reused in 2022.

Social side

  • The partnership with Secours Populaire des Rives de l'Aa for 7 years has enabled us to advance both parties

      • The volunteers of Secours Populaire help us by providing the manpower necessary for the set-up and logistics of the event.

      • The Chtriman helps and financially supports the actions of Secours Populaire

  • For 4 years, the Chtriman has organized a free “adapted triathlon” for residents of medico-educational institutes in the Region.

  • The partnership set up with the IME des Papillons Blancs for the cleaning of cans and eco-stores will allow the implementation of actions in favor of people with intellectual disabilities.

Economic side

  • Only 11% of the overall budget comes from public subsidies:

      • Ville de Gravelines

      • SIVOM des Rives de l’Aa

      • Région Hauts-de-France

      • Département du Nord

      • Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque

  • Le Chtriman provides financial support for the actions of the Hauts-de-France Triathlon League:

      • Through the acquisition and provision of organizational materials or for the development of practices

      • By setting up development actions

  • In order to improve the quality of the organization of the Regional events, the Chtriman supports the clubs participating in the organization by compensating them and by participating in the costs of electronic timing of their events.