The Health Pass will be mandatory to access the racing area!
The racing area (see map below) will be hermetic and accessible only only participants and spectators who will be provided with a health pass.
When you arrive at the race site, you must have your health pass checked. For this you will have to go to one of the two arbors provided for this purpose. Once checked, you will receive a bracelet which will allow you come and go throughout the weekend.
What is the health pass?
The health pass consists of the presentation, digital (via the TousAntiCovid application) or paper, d’une preuve sanitaire, parmi les trois suivantes (à partir de 11 ans) :
1. Vaccination, provided that people have a complete vaccination schedule, either :
2 weeks after the 2nd injection for double injection vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) ;
4 weeks after injection for vaccines with a single injection (Johnson & Johnson) ;
2 weeks after injection for vaccines in people with a history of Covid (1 seule injection).
Since May 27, all people vaccinated, including those who were vaccinated before May 3, can collect their vaccination certificate from the Health Insurance "patient portal". In addition, any healthcare professional can find a vaccination certificate and print it if someone requests it.
Once you have your vaccination certificate, just scan the QR Code on the right to import and store it locally, in your phone, thanks to TousAntiCovid Carnet.
2. Proof of a negative test of less than 48 hours for the health pass for access to the major events concerned
All RT-PCR and antigen tests generate proof as soon as the result is entered by the healthcare professional in SI-DEP, which can be printed directly and which is also made available to the patient via an email and an SMS to retrieve it from the SI-DEP portal. On TousAntiCovid, the importation of the evidence into the application will be in the hands of the patient. He can import his proof:
- from the document in paper or PDF format issued from SI-DEP and which accompanies the test result, by scanning the QR Code located on the left of the document;
- by clicking on the link in the SI-DEP portal, which allows the test result to be imported directly into TousAntiCovid Carnet.
The delay in force for the validity of the tests (48 hours) is strict upon entering the event site.
3. The result of a positive RT-PCR or antigen test attesting to recovery from Covid-19, dating at least 15 days and less than 6 months :
Positive tests (RT-PCR or antigens) of more than 2 weeks and less than 6 months indicate a limited risk of reinfection with Covid-19. The process for retrieving proof of positive testing is the same as for negative testing via SI-DEP (see above).
For foreign athletes
The “TousAntiCovid” application can only be used byfrench people, foreign athletes must bring:
Or their full vaccination card (respecting the same time frame after their second dose)
Either the result of a negative PCR or antigen test of less than 48 hours in paper or digital format
Either a result of a positive PCR or antigen test attesting to the recovery of the Covid in paper or digital format
Nous restons attentif à la mise en place du pass sanitaire européen (prévu initialement le 1erjuillet 2021) et au déploiement des applications type « Covid Safe » chez nos voisins belges.
Concrete examples
You wish to collect your bib on Saturday, your PCR or antigen test must be carried out on Thursday at most
You wish to collect your bib on Sunday, your PCR or antigen test must be carried out on Friday at most
Vous avez reçu votre deuxième dose de vaccin le 16 juin 2021 : vous n’avez pas besoin d’effectuer de test PCR ou antigénique. Il vous suffira de montrer la preuve de vos deux vaccinations
A l’inverse si vous avez reçu votre deuxième dose le 22 juin 2021 vous devrez faire un test PCR ou antigénique